4 Years Out

This was a post I made exactly 4 years ago today. After reading the Camus letter I decided to start blogging just to help me keep moving forward. It feels good to revisit because even though that was a very dark time of my life, deep down I knew I would eventually be OK.


  1. You've done so well on your journey so far -- time to celebrate!

  2. I love this so much. I have always wondered about the title of your blog.

    1. Thanks Birdie. We have to keep pushing back don't we.

  3. look at how far you have come in those 4 years! may it keep getting better and better for you!

  4. A nice post, you came a long way. That is extemely hard work to do what you are doing and not many people would take the time to look inward.

  5. This is wonderful post. You are doing great! One day at a time, one step at a time.

    1. With the help of friends!! Thank you Martha.

  6. Such wonderful words, those of Albert Camus! You were indeed blessed to have kind people around you. Kindness in our today's world is rather hard to find.
    What's inside you is the main force that will keep you going and prospering.

  7. Deep down I knew you would eventually be OK too. Happy Blogaversary. Much love to you friend.

  8. I just started reading you recently. But I am glad you are on the other side of all this work.

  9. Congratulations on four years blogging! I am grateful you started and more so that you stuck with it. I wish for many more years of following you!


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