The Best

Tonight was stunning.  

Music has never been incredibly important to me, perhaps because of my hearing loss. I love certain songs and I love to dance but it has never been my passion. That being said, I am feeling an confluence of emotion because U2 is undeniably a passion. I sit here with the memories of a night well spent. Gone was my constraint and shyness, my poor sense of rhythm was brought richly into sync with the beat of the drums. I danced to poems of love, brotherhood, equality and justice set to music. 

I felt pure happiness. And.....wait for it......tears.  Tears of love and connection, of memories so bittersweet ..... tears from this scarred woman who connects with this band so tightly. Songs of my youth, of young motherhood and the here and now. I thought of dancing with my kids and singing with them in the car until moms music became uncool and the stations got changed. I was reminded of love here and love gone. 

I thought of the man dancing next to me and how passionate he is compared to my guardedness. How fun loving compared to my serious nature.  Life is good. 
It’s been a beautiful day!!! A better birthday I cannot imagine. U2 in Paris with the one I love. 


  1. Happy Birthday and wishing you many more just like it!

  2. Yay! I can feel your excitement! So happy for you, Linda.

  3. I am so very happy for you!!!
    Happy Birthday Linda.

    1. Thank you my friend. This has been a long time coming.

  4. Happy (belated) birthday! Wishing you many more wonderful years filled with lots of joy. xo

  5. I think we need the balance of the guarded versus the exuberant. It helps both. I think it was a wonderful birthday treat for you -- it sounds terrific. I wish you all good things for the new year!


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