Life Of The Party

My body, my soul, my disposition; none of it is set up for parties. I’m not talking family get togethers. I can do those and be the last one to leave but parties.....I HATE them. 

I love people, I really do. But one on one, connecting in a meaningful way. Parties are just small talk with loads of background noise and heavy drinking. Three things that I have an incredibly difficult time with.

Last night we attended one given by a couple we are very fond of. The e-vite had 112 in attendance with another 26 possibles. There was a good band (which did me no good at all), booze was everywhere, as was a flock of National Charity Leaguers, with their deep tans, designer clothing and their ever young faces due to the youth freezing technologies of injectables and plastic surgeons. 

I did my best. I really did! I engaged and made small talk. Asked people to repeat or just smiled at them as if I understood. I watched the Boy Scout pour himself a decent size drink of straight tequila even though he knew he had to drive and didn't freak.

Afterwards, I was exhausted. Done in. Fini. 

Today the man said he wished I could have been a little more present!!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  WTF! The biggest triumph was that even that complaint didn't spark a fight that it once would have. Before I would have been insulted that he had any complaint after my HERCULEAN effort of just showing up.

Ah well, won't have to do that particular one for another year.

ps....To those of you who challenge me to be better.....I know I've got issues with certain women, of a certain socio-economic status, who give over the top parties as a pretext for earning money for charity and who love to share their latest latest amazing vacations and their kids over achieving accomplishments......I'm working on it.♥


  1. I don't fancy large crowds and pretentious asswipes.

  2. I’m with you. Supreme effort to attend such events on my part and hubby is worse. Now that I’m retired, I do volunteer work snd only attend the things I enjoy! It gets better Linda.

  3. Hahahahaha, I'm glad I don't move in those socio-economic circles. Not my cup of tea either.

  4. Sometimes I wish I could be one of those women just so it wasn't always a struggle to save so long or hard for the things you wanted to do, places you wanted to go, all that. But in the end, I'm much happier being more simple. I'll save (and do!) and go places (and do) but I think I must appreciate it so much more because I worked so darned hard to get it!

    I am with you on parties. I don't mind when I know the people all or if it's a smaller group but those giant things, or wedding receptions or such just aren't my thing. I'd rather be in a group of people with whom I feel comfortable and emotionally safe. I can have fun at something like that if I'm with the people I know better but if I don't know them, just clutch. What's odd is that in my former worklife, I had to meet-and-greet all the time. It should be easy for me. But I'd come home from those events mentally exhausted too. A theatre background sure helped!

    1. Now I would have guessed you to be the belle of the ball! I learned something new about you today.

  5. I can totally relate. I like small gatherings. Big parties where I hardly know anyone exhaust me!

  6. WTF. I cannot do these either. Cannot put up with the drinking. The last one was a bunch of DH family. I just stayed in the back bedroom with my dogs at MILs. In other words, I do not participate!
    Being retired, I just do the things I want to do. I get you about those “ over achievers”, I live in a resort area with lots of Uber wealthy second homers who only have really successful children.... not me, so much.

  7. Plz tell me the p.s. was tongue in cheek. Because why do you have to like those women? why is it being "better" to like them? I don't think I'm lesser because I don't wish to orbit in their silly little lives of lies. But then again, they wouldn't like me so I wouldnt be invited 🤣

    1. I'd like to assess every single person on their own without grouping them and judging them as a whole. I am a mom, small business owner, an ACA, living in "sin", gardener........but I don't want to be judged in any one dimensional way.


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