Hope for A Hope


People gain so much hope when they know they are not experiencing something alone.
The very reason I came to blogland in the first place. I have not been disappointed. You have made me laugh, cry, rejoice and feel heard. 

For this, I thank you. 


  1. I love the blogging world! I have made the most amazing connections on it.

  2. The blogging world helped me feel less alone. I also gained a feeling of camaraderie...there are so many of us who think the same way, feel the same way, have the same problems. I love being a part of this small world.

  3. Your made me spontaneously sing Bill Wither's "Lean on Me"! Thank you for being there, too!

  4. Hiya hunny, yes, you are very right, it's a warm place to be *smiles*

  5. Dear Lind!

    i loved this quote ,we all speak behalf of our personal experiences i am little weird about this situation

    i feel that i have no one around who thinks like me and can understand the true perspetive of my words and response

    yet since childhood i have a secret imagery friend but it was somewhere in my unconsciousness

    for ages i could not figure out who is he

    but life and time told me that he was who created me ,he never left me alone and miraculously helped in worse situations may be he realized my true desire for Baili which mean FRIEND

    you have hope and biggest proof is that you are fighting this battle without thinking about give up


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