Don't Be Cheap


Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.
This was our first time travelling together and it was not without some pretty good sized bumps. At times, Boy Scout was being a bit of an Asshole and we worked it out. Other times, fear became my best friend for a short period of time and things got ugly. Each time, with a lot of work, it deflated and became more manageable, less consuming and then I could breathe like a normal person. 

Life is better when you have a room with a view.


  1. Welcome back from Paris! Traveling with someone is HARD, that's for sure.

  2. you survived, you didn't kill each other. traveling IS stressful.

  3. Welcome back from your Paris trip. Hope you had a grand time, traveling can have its challenges too.

  4. Fear can be such a hard one to work through. But you did it! I am so proud of you, Linda.

  5. Welcome back from the trip! There are always ups and downs where travel is involved.

  6. I wrote on my blog once about traveling with someone. I told my step daughter she had to be with this man for 4 seasons, travel with him, build something together. If you can get through that and communicate you can do anything! She laughed at me until she took a trip with this horrible boy she was dating. They did not travel well together and it opened her eyes. Now we laugh about my silly little piece of advice to her because she saw it at work. So you had some bumps but you were able to make it through. How wonderful Linda! I hope you had a marvelous vacation, welcome home!

    1. That's hilarious! So good to be home....I was ready.


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