
I was bored and had an overall feeling of discontentment.

I am still learning how to fill my alone hours now that the Boy Scout is gainfully employed. He is using his talents in a unique way. His love of people, talking, telling stories and knowledge of alcohol makes him pretty much the perfect, and very popular, bartender. But, as you can imagine, this means off hours. Luckily, I can work whenever I want but I still find myself alone a lot.  I am not much of a TV watcher and, truthfully, have a hard time sitting still to read a book (which is why I love audio).

I took on this project and had some fun:

An old bench that was looking pretty shabby AND was unsafe to sit on due to splinters and spiders.

Truthfully, I like the weathered look but the bench was damaged from the weather and needed some TLC. I had fun getting out the power tools and figuring my way out through memory and with the help of YouTube.


  1. Wow, it looks like a million bucks now!

  2. DAMN! I would not mind having that in my backyard! great job, linda!

  3. Four star! You may have a new career in store -- it looks great!

  4. The bench looks gorgeous! I am needing to do ours. What kids of stain did you use?

    1. Thanks Birdie. I used Watco Danish Oil in medium walnut.

  5. Thanks Everyone!! I appreciate the props ♥

  6. Very nice! Were the spiders the kind with huge teeth and hairy legs? YouTube has turned me into a competent appliance repairman. Whodda thunk?

  7. Looks great and GREAT Job!! I know you liked the weathered look, I prefer the finished product a wee bit more. Not that you ask me for my opinion. :-)


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