Peek A Boo

Warning....this could be a repeat...but I am getting old so my friends will tolerate it.

When I was a very small girl I had a rather large "freckle" in a spot that stayed mostly hidden from the world. I must have been quite proud of it because, as the story goes, my non-driving mother, who frequented the RTD of Los Angeles, was extremely embarrassed one day when I decided that our bus driver needed a peek of it. I asked him if he wanted to see my big freckle and down went the drawers. I can remember what I was wearing but I cannot, for the life of me, remember what happened after that.

The pride in that "freckle" waned as I was about to enter middle school, and as the threat of PE and getting naked in locker rooms neared, we had the family doc remove it. It was bad enough I had expose myself him but the young teen girl population of Sunland-Tujunga was simply not going to happen.

One day, on our way to do some shopping, Mom and I hopped on the local bus when, lo and behold, the bus driver who was the recipient of my infamous peek show was behind the wheel. With all the thousands and thousand of passengers that man had encountered, he had the audacity to remember me! My thirteen year old self was mortified as this ole' dude and my mother discussed the now eradicated freckle. It's tough being 13.

I have a scar the size of a nickel as a reminder of this escapade.


  1. thank you for not showing us your now freckleless bum! :)

  2. Lol. Such a wonderful tale Linda. The innocence of children!

  3. If you have a scar the size of nickel, it must have been a helluva "freckle" -- birth mark perhaps? Great story, no matter what it was!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Now THAT's a freckle.

    And thirteen is hell.

  5. This is so cute. And funny. Your poor 13 year old self. 😂

  6. Those childhood memories are funny to look back on but not funny at the time they happened.

  7. The said "freckle" was a rather large and raised mole AND, Anne Marie, it was not on my BUM. ;)


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