On One Condition

“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.”

— Victor Hugo
I think we have to know how to give that to ourselves before we can offer it to someone else. 
In addition to that, the receiver needs to know themselves. Unless they do, they have nothing to give but an act, like a role in a play. And that person, the real them, that they tried to shove down, to hide behind the scenes, eventually seeks a way out.  
But if both are working towards the same goal.....what a beautiful idea....unconditional love. 


  1. I get unconditional luv from my cats. and I luv me first and foremost.

    1. Can you bottle it and spread it around? I’ll buy it.

  2. Lovely words. When we love ourselves, we can extend it to others. xo

  3. Absolutely beautiful and spot-on words.

  4. ...you can't give what you don't have? Sage words

  5. I'm especially grateful for being loved in spite of myself.

  6. Love your neighbour as yourself. It starts with us for sure.


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