It’s OK

 Day eight… Remaining positive, keeping a stiff upper lip, looking on the bright side. Trying hard not to get discouraged. There has been improvement which is something to be grateful for.  Vertigo is not my friend but I may end up having to learn to live with it a little bit longer… I’ll do the best I can.


  1. Oh God I'm so sorry. Does anyone know why you are having this? A symptom? How awful. I wish you well and screw being strong. Lie on the floor and drink. I mean if you're going to have vertigo, what the hell. :-) Seriously I hope this goes away very very soon.

  2. Have you heard of or tried the Epley maneuver? Hoping you get some relief soon.

  3. It’s also okay to just sit and acknowledge that life is a bitch sometimes. You don’t want to dwell or ruminate, which I do a lot, but just noticing that things are extra difficult now is sometimes the best thing you can do.

    1. You are right but I was wallowing and that’s never good for me.

  4. Thinking of you Linda. Take care.

  5. One day at a time, Linda. It's a struggle. The vertigo has to be terrible. But slow and steady.

    And you had a post that seems to have disappeared but I don't know how we ended up with the day-glo doofus either. Beyond comprehension.


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