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 I am so relieved at how much better my vertigo is today. It is still there, but nothing like before. If it stayed like this, I could live with it. There would be things I could never do again, such as ride a roller coaster, go running or spin a child around, but I could drive, exercise, probably golf and basically engage in life’s more sedate activities. I’m at a greater risk for falling so I’m being pretty careful. The thing is, at this point I could manage and that makes it not quite as scary as it was 4 days ago.

I’d love it if I woke up tomorrow and it was gone completely but it’s not gonna change my happiness. That’s mine to choose and so I do.

Hope your day is going great. 


  1. you woke up on this side of the grass today, and you will do so tomorrow. that is always a happy thing! have a good week, dear.

  2. So good to hear this news Limda. I hope it continues to improve!

  3. Well, who wants to go on a a roller coaster anyway? Any running? No freaking thank you. People running always looks so miserable.

    I am glad today is better. I will hold space that tomorrow is better still. 💕

  4. I'm happy to hear you are a bit better.

  5. So far, my day is so good -- but it's better now that I know your vertigo is easing up a bit. I hope it keeps improving!

  6. Glad you are doing better. BPPV is a nasty reoccurring blight in my life...but the maneuvers help, as do being careful how I get up from bed. Good luck!

  7. Happy News! I hope this continues for you.

  8. Vertigo is the pits, so I am glad it is improving for you.


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