Good, Better, Best

So today is the 4 year anniversary of starting over; a fresh beginning. I didnt see it that way then but we hardly ever do as we walk through darkness. We rarely look up from our pain and say “Wow, isn’t this great”?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could be so trusting and in the moment that we could have the faith the everything will be as it should. That’s not how it played out then but I did do the best I could. And now that I am in a better place, I’d like to think that I’d handle it all differently.

Who knows? I’d like to never go through anything like it again but maybe I will be tested. And if so, I will still do the best I can at that point in time. That’s all any of us have....our best. Not perfect, not pretty, but dirty and messy and OURS.

I wish you your very best today.


  1. I like that quote about "when you know better, you do better" and use it from time to time. It's the whole perfect concept about learning from our mistakes and our experiences. It's all you can ask, really. -Jenn

    1. I like the idea of not punishing ourselves when we learn a better way and realize our mistakes.

  2. What a great quote! We learn as we go along. For our entire lives.

  3. I love so many of Maya Angelou’s quotes. This is one of my favourites. Happy day Linda!

  4. 4 years already! keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  5. You're right. We'll all be tested. But you've had four years and good on you! Four more and four more after that and again and again. You are a survivor. And that matters.

  6. Starting over is never easy. I'm glad you're in a better place now! Onwards and upwards always!


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