Are You Hungry?

We've been reading A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway the past couple of weeks. The Boy Scout has a beautiful reading voice and is a natural.

A couple of days ago he read a chapter that imparted some insight on the relationship between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hemingway. Complex and impetuous, I found his version of Fitzgerald to remind me very much of the mentally ill people in my life, overly dramatic, self absorbed and leaving one feeling off balanced.

All that being said, the words Hemingway penned about Fitzgerald are just so beautiful, and probably more well known than I am aware, that I felt the need to share them.

“His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust of a butterfly’s wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he could only remember when it had been effortless”

Isn't that gorgeous?

Happy Monday all...


  1. I had not ever heard or read this before. Love it.
    As a young girl I devoured F.Scott Fitzgerald. Yet Hemingway I could never get through. I may now have to attempt it again, you made me want to read him. :-)
    Thank you for that.

    1. Forgive me for saying this but I found him long winded and in love with his own voice. I know that is sacrilege but there you go. I am older now, far more patient and somewhat more open minded. I will try again.

  2. are you referring to Hemingway or Fitzgerald? I think if I read him as an adult. F.Scott, I wouldn't have been enamored as I was as a 15 yr old.

    1. The quote was written by Hemingway about Fitzgerald.

      I felt Hemingway was long winded (Lord I hope my son doesn't read this) and avoided him when I was able.

    2. Yes, I got the quote. I wondered who you thought was long winded. Got it. I'm not as high brow, my favorite author of the last few decades is David Sedaris. I'm pitiful aren't I? He makes me happy and laugh while I read. But whatever you do don't listen to it on cd while you drive. Can't laugh and drive I have found.

  3. This is one of my favorite books of all time!

    You should check out Tamara's "Thyme for Tea" blog. She's doing Paris in July all month and there are loads of posts about Paris and France -- books, movies, food, music, travel, you name it!


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