Let It Rise?

DISCLAIMER!  Dudes and sqeemish ones, you may want to skip this post. 

Yeast. In some cases a wonderful thing. It helps produce the most wonderous breads, beers and wines among other things.

There are other times when yeast is kinda sucky. Most you ladies know what I am talking about. I just had a conversation with a young lady who complained about being uncomfortable because of a yeast infection.

I, of course, had to do the proverbial 3 miles to school, uphill both ways , in the snow. I told her, “At least it's no longer a damn trip to the doctor as it was in my day. Suffering, knowing exactly what you had, having to wait for a opening, to find a doctor to stick his face where is really doesn’t belong,  only to tell you you have what you already knew you had and then send you on a trip to the pharmacy, waiting endlessly while all you wanted was a warm bath and a chance to scratch in private.”

Too graphic?  I know, I know but seriously, at least now at the first sign a gal can run to the drug store and take care of business and be on her merry way within a few hours.

For you ladies that long for “simpler” times, remember no credit cards in your name, unable to purchase a house, sexual harassment was not a thing and, yes, yeast infections that the powers that be deemed us too stupid to recognize and care for. I’ll take today over that any time.


  1. No idea about the yeast infection. It is better to consult a doctor...

  2. Thirty years ago when I lived close enough to the US border to go do some cross-border shopping, I always used to buy a tube or two of over-the-counter Monostat to have on hand, just in case. Canada maintained the requirement to see a doctor and get a prescription longer than the US did. I remember writing a letter to our federal Minister of Health complaining about the situation. Then the law changed -- thanks, no doubt, to my letter, LOL! But once we could buy Monostat over the counter too, it seemed I never got another yeast infection after that. Figures!

    1. SAME!!! I think I purchased it once since it became OTC.

    2. You are very influential, Debra! LOL Thanks for that. I am so glad we have these things available over the counter.

  3. Would you hate me if I told you that I have never had a yeast infection?? It's true. I never have. And also...IMHO, sexual harassment has always been a thing. Women just didn't have the resources to challenge it back then.

    1. Exactly!!! But when women complain they got fired! Crazy isn't it?

    2. Also....you are so lucky!!! Not fun.

  4. OMG this made me laugh for a non laughable subject. Too true!

  5. I get them with antibiotics and now the doc knows when I call in to just prescribe the diflucan pill and it knocks it out fast. Very annoying!

  6. Have you seen the commercial of the woman sitting in class and she is squirming around because she’s so itchy. It’s hilarious.


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