Don't Worry......

Be happy.... 
Are happy people happy because the practice the following or does the following just happen because they are happy? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I've got a few of these babies down pat but others elude me.

Happy people:

1.    They believe that they are completely worthy of happiness in life.
2.   They don’t let their circumstances decide their mood or their overall state of happiness.
3.   They are grateful, always and every day, rain or sunshine.
4.   They are extremely generous – they give and help and serve others frequently.
5.   They love life, they accept life and feel in harmony with life.
6.   They are free of judgment, be it themselves or others.
7.   They get curious, rather than angry, when things don’t go their way.
8.   They believe in their own power to make change for the better.
9.   They seek inner peace, solitude and meditation regularly.
10. They believe human beings are innately good.

What about you? Do any of these come easy? 


  1. #6 & #10 are hard, especially THESE days under the dump.

    #1 is easy - I AM WORTH IT!

    1. These days 6 and 10 can be very difficult.

  2. Ooh, this is the first read for me of your blog, and I love it already! For me, none of those things 1 - 10, could happen until I got sober, worked the 12 steps in AA, which basically help us grow up spiritually and find a Higher Power, Who then helps us, through our continuous growth, to become happier-as-by-product-of-right-living people. Gratitude for this life is conscious choice - no matter what is happening, which leads to a continuous state of being happy. A lovely loop. Love your blog!

  3. I struggle with #6 especially. How I judge myself affects how I judge others. I am a work in progress.

  4. Boy Linda I wish all 10 came easily to me.
    But I struggle with a couple of these.
    Overall I am a very happy person.
    I have been asked that question before as well.
    Why are you so happy? By a woman who felt my circumstances did not warrant my mental state. It shocked me. I remember going home and telling my hubby about this woman's' questions. But I feel strongly that you can make yourself happy as well.
    As the painting on my wall states, Happiness is a journey not a destination.
    I couldn't agree more!!

  5. That's a great list of how to approach life!

  6. Such a great list! Practicing all this will bring happiness :)

  7. I think it varies from person to person. sometimes, people just have that nature. Sometimes, their lives are in a nice, peaceful place, and that makes it easier for anyone to be happy. Sometimes, we just have to work at it.

  8. I, too, am having great trouble with six and ten but by and large, all the rest work for me.

  9. A good reminder for me to pull my head out of my ass. Thank you.

  10. I'm ok with 1, 3, 9 and 10. I suck at the rest. What a miserable wretch I am. Thank you Linda. You've given me something to think about and to work on.


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