And They Call It..........

Puppy Love!

The Boy Scout and I have an addition to the family!

This is Scruffy McScrufface (Scruffy for short) and she is a wired haired pointing griffon. These are hunting dogs (which we do not do) and love water (which we cannot wait to take her to). What a joy she has been even though the puppy period can be a little taxing. Sophie is slowly getting used to her and they are becoming, if not friends, amiable companions.


  1. Ohhhhhh, sooooooo cute! Can't wait to hear more about her and her adventures.

  2. Yeah! Congrats on the new puppy. Let the stories of Scruffy begin. Nothing better than a dog!

  3. What a cutie, she's adorable. Sophie will be her best friend after a while. I love her face too. Dogs are the best!

  4. TOTALLY adorable. What a sweetheart!

  5. Oh she is Beautiful!!

  6. Well now, isn't she the cutest thing!! How goes it with Sophie?

    1. They are doing really well. Weirdly though, if the puppy gets hurt and yelps, Sophie runs over and attacks. Not sure what that is about but we are aware in try to intercede quickly.

  7. If he sees a griffon does he automatically point to it?


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