Water, Water Everywhere

Well, it's been way too long since I've posted. I'd feel ashamed but I've been giving that feeling up more and more.

The rain is HERE! and blessed be the rain. From this drought ridden part of the country, a fanciful imagining going through my head has all my garden rejoicing, shaking off the drops, trying to get every ounce of water into the soil beneath their leaves. My garden, which is not of my doing, is tropical. The gent before me installed palms and ferns and every manor of tropical plant imaginable. The more delicate of them have long since disappeared since I purchase this little place 3 years ago (how could it be 3 years). My first water bill after moving in, regrettably, forced me into mass planticide. I didn't pull anything but they had to be able to survive pretty much on their own.

I know, I know....the first one is prettier but it was an absolute jungle and certainly not worth $500.00 a month in water.  

Happy Wednesday....hope it's a good one.


  1. I'm inclined to like the "after" version better, with those wonderful red flowers. You can actually SEE the beauty instead of it being so full you see nothing. (And as I write that, I realized my house is more like number one than number two and it's time to start purging again.)

  2. Well Linda I prefer the After to be honest. For draught landscape I think it is beautiful. My front is dead so you've got me beat. I can't wait until it's warm enough to do something about it.

  3. RAMEN, girl! I like the after look better!

  4. Good grief! That’s an expensive water bill. Capetown, South Africa is almost out of water. I can’t imagine these situations getting any better either. Glad you have rain though.

  5. I actually think it is Much prettier as it is now.

  6. I really like the after look better. That is a huge water bill and that's for one month, yikes!

  7. I like the after as well. The flowers over the front door are gorgeous!

  8. Thanks everyone! A work in progress just like me.

  9. Well, you do live in a desert. I think the second one looks terrific and $500 a month is a budget buster for sure. Resources should probably be shared responsibly.

  10. Both are beautiful in their ways. What a sweet little house. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog this morning.


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