Walk Don't Run

My Boy Scout wants to get married. He has for awhile.

Can I tell you the terror I feel when looks at me with his puppy dog face and says those words? Oh lordy! I can't exactly explain why but somewhere deep within my heart there is a voice that shouts "RUN". Apparently it’s not too deep because he claims he seen the fear on my face.

This man and I have had our ups and downs...some of them rather large. Many of them made larger by the child in me that was abandoned by her father and the woman in me that was betrayed by her husband. Despite that, I see that he has many great qualities, is a good man and I do love him very much.

At times I think I am just destined to keep repeating history. When I learn to trust myself I will be able to decide. Thankfully, I don't have to decide today or tomorrow. And meanwhile,

Well, meanwhile....I'll keep loving him and living our lives together, caring for each other and golfing our golden years away.

Happy Saturday!


  1. There's no law that says a relationship must end in marriage to be valid or worthy. Never do anything that doesn't feel right to you for whatever reason.

    1. Good point wise one. I’m still kinda stuck in my evangelical past.

  2. Nice thing about this day in age, we don’t have to get married if we don’t have to. We can still be with a partner without judgment. Do what feels right.

  3. No hasty decisions sounds like a good plan!

  4. I love that we are living in a time where we don't have to or need to get married. So just enjoy your time together and have. No need to rush to anything or change your situation.

  5. Just curious...did he say why he wants to get married? Aside from the undying love forever and ever thing... :)
    What would change about your relationship if you did get married? What's the benefit he's looking for?

  6. One word: Oprah.
    But apart from that, you chose some great pictures to go along with this post! -Jenn

  7. Take your time, my friend. Be right with you. You may or may not know that Rick and I have been together 22 years, all very happy. We aren't married and we live two blocks apart. It works on every single level. There are loads of options these days, especially as we are older and don't have marry because of wanting children. It is a wonderful thing, marriage. But only when both people are equally committed to it, without fear. And if he loves you as much as it seems, he will wait patiently.

  8. I never wanted to remarry, wasn't overly keen on it the first time round either. But the big guy wanted to marry and I suppose a part of me did too. He's a good man. You do what you need to do, what works for you.


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