Off The Beaten Path

At some point in the last two month's, I somehow found the blog Somewhere In Ireland Daily Photo. From there I have starting following a number of bloggers that post daily pictures from their lives. I just love it!

I love seeing everyday life from these talented photographers. Freeways, bus stops, old buildings, people doing their jobs, etc. So enjoyable. Sometimes they include a story like this one Ballinrobe Public Library but most of the time it is the photos alone.

I make little trips to Ireland, Netherlands, Netherlands2Canada, Philippines, Sweden, Korea, Great Northwest, etc., each day. 


  1. Thank you for this!
    And today is a perfect day to lose myself in a beautiful faraway land.

  2. I think that aside from the friendships that can form through blogging, the little virtual trips are one of the nicest things about the internet

  3. Love the Daily Photo Blogs too, Linda!

  4. Glad to hear that you enjoy it. It's a great place for dialogue, meeting new people and seeing new places. I love it!

    1. I forgot to say thanks for putting a link to my blog, I appreciate it very much.

  5. Don't you love travel blogs. I'm like that with Peter's Paris and others that take me places!


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