Not So Good.

Yesterday the Boy Scout and I had a big blowup. It was political and ugly. I won’t going to details except to say that I handled my part poorly. When one feels strongly about something, it can be difficult to stay calm and Completely logical, especially in the face of what seems to be an illogical argument and a white washing of the things that are going on in the WH.

That being said, I apologized for my part and I meant it. I’m sorry I blew up and I’m sorry I said things that I never I never should have.

This morning at 6 AM, the man who loves to sleep more than anything, gets out of bed with a smile and goes into the kitchen to get ready for St Paddy’s day dinner before heading off to work. I see him dancing to Boston and the Eagles. I’m still laying under the blanket cause it’s cold out there.

This man is an interesting creature that I have yet to figure out.


  1. Differing political views must be tough on couple and families these days!

  2. I am right there with you...djt makes me a raving madwomen and it PISSES ME OFF that I react this way. Also, it IS cold out there and I slept in a little bit later too.

  3. Ah, but a fun journey to learn it all isn't it?

    1. Yes indeedy, (well not always ) but I’m trying♥️

  4. Sometimes we just let our emotions get away from us.
    One thing I never argue about with Anyone is politics
    It’s not worth it

    1. No amount of arguing changes what’s going on. That’s for sure.

  5. Ah -- but you figured out YOU. And you figured out to apologize. AND, it looks like that did the trick. Owning up is always good when you know you handled your part poorly. (But I confess, given the topic I probably would have let loose a little too! These are hard days for us.)

  6. We all get angry. Sometimes very, very angry and lash out. But showing remorse and apologizing? That almost never happens. Good for you.

    1. Hugs hugs hugs birdie. I have missed you so much.

  7. It happens. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. The fact that you recognized it and felt remorseful is terrific!

    1. Thanks dear friend. It helps to have positive reinforcement

  8. Unless the make up sex is worth it

    LOL ❤️


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