Like There’s No Tomorrow

22 years ago my former boss and good friend asked me for a favor. In addition to my own business, would I mind handling the accounting for a new endeavor he was considering.  Little did I know what I was getting myself into when I answered yes (which was the only answer I could give).

A skateboard park, an indoor skateboard park, with a retail outlet, a cafe and about 25 to 30 employees. Much of my accounting experience had been with a well established business that purchased nothing on credit and had a full time CPA to do the tough stuff. It was baptism by fire.

That baby opened its doors a few months before I gave birth to my fourth baby. It was a crazy time of life; overwhelming but we all got through it. That business had some major changes through the years. Employees came and went. One of the founders was killed in a motorcycle accident at 32, one went on to do other things, but I stayed.  It went from skateboard park to music venue to gaming for kids to mission outreach to the gaming community. In all it’s changes, I remained.

Now it’s over.  The doors are closing for good after 21 years.  I will miss all the young people that came into my life, miss the love they sent my way.

I’m sad about the ending but I’m ready for the next adventure, getting to know new people, once again expanding my community.


  1. wonder what's around the next bend in the road...

  2. 21 years is a long time for a business! I can imagine there is a certain amount of sadness in letting it go. However, you have the right attitude.

  3. An exciting time for you. New adventures to me are just what the doctor ordered even if I enter it kicking and screaming. :-) I'm happy for your success and your new success awaiting you.

  4. That's a lot of accomplishments for you to be proud of! Good luck with your next adventures!

  5. New adventures are challenging and exciting, nervous at first, then you get comfortable in your new surroundings. New challenges are good for the body and the mind. You have wonderful memories of where you were and the accomplishments you achieved. As my wife likes to say, onward!

    Have a wonderful week!

  6. Congratulations for 21 years in business. I wish you a world of new adventures, Linda.

  7. When I go back to the haunts I left behind 35 years ago often find they have changed or are gone completely. Sometimes it feels empty, but it just reminds me that things always change and I am getting better at adapting. Or at least getting out of the way.

  8. Those farewells and end of projects are always kind of bittersweet. But 21 in business -- that's a long while for trendy things. I say three cheers.


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