I Am Sure This Is A Repeat!!!

Sleep has eluded me for about 4 years now.  I used to be an Olympic sleeper! I could fall asleep just about anywhere and was known to sleep with power tools and pneumatic nail guns being used in the next room.

Then it happened. The day when everything in life changed, including my ability to sleep. No longer did I fall asleep easy...no longer did I stay asleep longer than 2 or 3 hours.

I tried many things. Meditation tapes, boring audio books, white noise and repetitive mantras. When I go too many nights without, I use a benadryl.  Knocks me on my butt but my head is full of butterflies most of the next day....I feel off. I once took an Ambien but peed the bed and slept right through it.....that scared me to be that out of it.

A week or so ago, out of desperation, I finally tried THC. Relaxed my body well and good but my mind was still active and not in a good way. I don't think that is for me.

Lately, the melatonin seems to be helping more than it once did. With some exceptions, I've been getting about 5 hours with .5 mg. I'll take it!!!

Meanwhile, it can't hurt to smile a bit.


  1. insomnia here too; and 2-3 times nightly pee stops. it sux. but I'm not taking anything.

    1. Ugh. Here's to a good night of sleep tonight :)

  2. I don’t sleep well and never have. The pot, CBD/THC 20 and a short acting mixed with long acting melatonin works best. I still wake up but do get about 4 hours. My next attempt is getting one of those weighted blankets for anxiety to see if that works.

    1. You've got this down to a science. I'll give it a try.

  3. I think it's true we all have more trouble sleeping now than we did ten, fifteen years ago. I make up novels in my head. I've been working on the same one now for about five years. Nothing is typed up but it moves along. And when I'm stumped I "rewrite" a part of it. Eventually I bore myself and fall asleep.

    Thanks for popping by Marmelade Gypsy, Linda!

    1. I love that idea! At least be productive while not sleeping.

  4. I am a terrible sleeper too, Linda. I have threatened to use melatonin but haven’t yet. I have coped by sleeping when I can. Being retired, I can cope that way. I don’t know how I’d manage to work.

    1. There are times it definitely shows in my work.

  5. Sorry for your sleep troubles. Most of the time I sleep reasonably well, but hate those nights of random nonsense that endlessly loop through my head. I like Grumpy Cat's idea to just cry myself to sleep.

    1. Right?? If it only took a little cry, I do it.

  6. I feel badly for you! My husband has trouble sleeping, waking through the night (can fall asleep, but it's the staying asleep that's difficult). I really hope you have a good night tonight. -Jenn

    1. Thanks Jenn....it's ok if I don't but I celebrate when I do.

  7. When I became widow after all those years of sleeping with someone, I thought I would never sleep well again.
    Strangely it was sooner than I thought, I was sleeping like a baby.
    I did get a kitten because I just needed a living creature in the house with me.
    It worked.
    3 Times lol

    1. PS
      Avoid chocolate at night
      Keeps you awake
      Sad but true

  8. HAHAHA! The images were hilarious! Your inability to sleep...not so much. I used to sleep like you, as well. The world could be ending and I'd snooze right through it. That is, until menopause knocked on my door. For a few I tossed and turned and turned and tossed. Things have been a little better the past few months, so maybe that's over and done with. I hope you get there, too!

  9. Hope you start getting more sleep. Menopause did a number on my sleep patterns and I don't sleep as well as I use to. I do try to smile through it, get up and read awhile, then go back to bed for a little more sleep.

  10. I could write a whole blog post on this subject! The well meaning friends and their advice and also the Internet will give you a great many ideas and things to try. A hot bath, a hot bath with epsom salts, a hot bath with lavender and epsom salts, diffusing essential oils, an extra glass of wine...the lists are endless. FOR ME the only thing that helped was a klonopin. It's the lowest dose they make and even then I cut the pill in half. I think to myself it couldn't possibly be enough to actually DO anything, and yet I do sleep straight through most nights. And I feel no after effects like being groggy. Now I'm not suggesting that you should take a pill. Just putting in my two cents here. My sister makes me feel guilty for needing it and I finally told myself to just stop listening to her. I need to do what works best for me. Hope you find some relief Linda. Sleep is a glorious thing. And if not at least you now have proof that you're highly intelligent. :)


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