Are You Tired Of It?

Former GOP Senator Rick Santorum says that the protesting kids should be taking CPR classes instead of looking to someone else to solve their problems.

Newsflash Rick! We are the adults and they are children. We were the ones that were supposed to make sure they weren’t dying en masse in their schools in the first place.

And like the Women’s Rights Movement, the Labor Movement of the 30’s, the Civil Rights Movement etc., it takes someone to finally have a strong enough voice to change the wind enough to get people off their asses and start doing the right thing.

To Rick:  Keep talking.  You are strengthening their base by suggesting that their time is better spent preparing themselves for the next time and the next time and the next time.

To the young people: I cannot wait till you all turn 18 and start voting. Keep the fire in your hearts.

To anyone else:  We don’t need semi-automatic assault rifles in our society. Just my humble opinion. I haven’t heard an argument that would convince me different.



  1. we don't need ANY GUNS, PERIOD! and miss ricks needs to STFU; he is irrelevant.

  2. Well said! These young people are our hope for the future.

  3. These young people give me hope for the world!

  4. These young people are the movers and shakers of their generation. They will change the world!

  5. And, of course, there wouldn't be much point to CPR after a person is shot with an AR-15. Love the video.

  6. Hear! Hear! Rick S. is an A-one Ass in my opinion, always was and always will be. This new GOP is disgusting. While I have never been a member of the GOP I have never seen such bottom feeders in my life. The most horrific people. And how sad is it that I am now agreeing with George W who has said that the things this admin.says and does is despicable. I am so proud of these kids. Being a gal from the late 60's and early 70's who protested the war and it helped! It got us finally out of Vietnam. I say good for these kids - I hope it continues. I was so proud of the articulate speeches, the anger, the passion, the organization - all of it.
    And c'mon who doesn't love the Liberal Redneck, Trae Crowder! :-)

  7. I threw my slippers at the telly when I heard that. And said things I won't repeat here. Learn CPR? While you're at it, why doesn't he encourage them to take EMT training so they can stop bleeding from a gunshot wound? Oh, these guys make me SO angry...


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