Who's The Meathead

Did you know that Muslims are taking over the world. That they are breeding specifically to do that? Did you?!?

I went to a superbowl party yesterday. As I sat with the hostess and another guest the conversation flowed from pets to travel to MUSLIMS.

This guest actually said that the world is going to pot because Muslims are breeding prolifically and we (I am assuming she meant us whities) are not reproducing enough. She was channeling a perfect Archie Bunker!!! And although, as a guest of a guest, I felt inclined to speak to her small mind and caustic venom, I bit my tongue. I excused myself as quickly as I could but believe me when I tell you that I exercised an incredible amount of restraint last night.

Otherwise, the party was good. A long night of small talk for this introvert and I am exhausted. I want to hide away today.....please this girl just don't want to talk.

Have a great Monday.


  1. I think I would've pointedly looked her in the eye, said loudly "Are You KIDDING me?!", and then turned on my heel and walked out. Point made, fight avoided. But that's just me. I refuse at this juncture to say nothing; I feel it helps normalize the racism.

    1. I hear you but it would have hurt my partner and I didn't want to do that over someone I ever met before and would never, ever have meet again. Stupid people rarely change their minds....they just remain stupid.

  2. I don’t know if I could have restrained myself as you did but you were right. Being in someone else’s home makes it difficult to say anything.

    1. I don't know if I could have said anything. I was so completely astonished that this person would talk like this with two utter strangers. As if everyone thinks exactly like that. Could someone be that obtuse? I am sure I was sitting there with my mouth hanging open.

  3. Replies
    1. She is sadly ignorant. There are so many better ways to live than spewing ugliness and fear. Bet she loves her some TRUMP

  4. It is astonishing to me just how many Archie Bunkers there are around. I've got a few right here in my neighbourhood!

    1. Most people are smart enough to keep that S*^% quiet though.

  5. That conversation would make me so uncomfortable. I fear I wouldn't have been so restrained and polite as you were. But boy, does it make me sad...

    1. Yes....for anyone who lives in Boston....she's on her way to spread that garbage there. Good riddance. Our town doesn't need the likes of her.

  6. Oh Linda my tongue would have been bleeding and my head would have exploded. I too would have gotten up and walked away. But in my mind, I bitched slapped her, said what I wanted to say and felt better, but only in my mind.

    1. If only that would do any good!!! I am sure someone, somewhere has told her what a complete moron she is. I don't think it registered.

  7. I am impressed that you didn't injure anyone!

    1. Well, as the bulk of the 50+ crowd were nearing or over 80, I didn't want to be responsible for heart attacks or strokes ;)

  8. Aaaack. So sorry you had to experience that.


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