Misty Water Colored Memories

The internet is AMAZING! This is the dresser except it was a bear
The very first thing I remember is being in a tiny childs bed. The discomfort of the damp cloth that is sticking to my skin makes me squirm a bit even now. Knowing it was not ok to pee the bed, I remember ashamedly climbing out. I can see my chubby feet touching the floor but cannot, for the life of me, remember the color of the carpet (I suspect avocado green). Getting into the teeny, blond wood armoire sporting a teddy bear decal on the door, I search for dry clothes while attempting to be quiet because my sleeping brother is laying in a crib near me.
The colors were different but otherwise so close

The fact that my bro is still quite small means I would be, at most, 2 1/2. I love that I have glimpses that go that far back into my childhood. I also remember a particular outfit I adored. A little sundress that had straps that crossed in back and buttoned with two big white buttons. It had matching bottoms that looked a lot like voluminous undies. Soft pinks, yellow and blues, I remember loving putting it on when the sun was warm but needing help with the buttons. I may have been 3.

I would love to hear about your first memory. How old do you think you were?


  1. Those are early memories for sure.

    When I was a baby, we lived with my grandfather. I loved him! He worked night shift and when he came home and went to bed, I loved to play with him, jump on him etc. The housekeeper would come to take me away and he wouldn’t like it. He was never too tired for me.

  2. My very first memory is me, age 1, trying to pull my hand away from (or out of) a closed car door but I couldn't because my pinkie finger had been slammed into that car door by my 2 year old brother. I can see myself in my minds eye pulling, pulling, pulling my hand and it won't move. I have no memory of the pain or blood but I do still have the scar. The next memory after that is my mom hugging me, real tight, after getting my hand out.

    1. Even though something bad happened, you seem to have a good memory of it. Interesting. A hug from mom is a great memory. I don't have that but I have one of her sweetly pushing my hair from my face. I cherish it.

  3. Surprising how we can remember bits and pieces from such an early age.

    My first memory is standing on the front seat of the car while my dad was driving. He always had me stand between the seat and his right shoulder. He would tell me the names of the streets and I would tell him when we could go or stop. I would say 'een light' or 'ed light'!

    I must have been pretty young because standing behind him, I could just see over his shoulder!

    1. A memory made more tender by the knowledge of what your dad is going through now. Thank you for sharing that.

  4. My earliest memory is walking down a long hallway with my mother in the apartment building we lived it. I was around three and I also remember looking out our window when it was pouring rain. I don't now if it was the same day though. Occasionally I still think of them, I don't now why. :)

    1. Isn’t it funny what our brain decides to hold on to. If only there was a file where we get to choose but alas....I forget much I should remember and remember much of what I wish to heaven to forget.

  5. I remember pushing my sister in a stroller. She was 13-15 months, and I’m 2 years 2 months older, so I was around 3 at the time. I was pushing her on our driveway.

    1. Sweet. I wonder...do you remember how you felt while pushing her?

  6. I think I was around three, maybe a little older but not much. It was a fire at Christmas in our house when my dad put pine branches in the fireplace -- and the damper wasn't open. I remember standing in the yard and they used my yellow chenille bedspread to help put out the flames. Old memories. Wow.

    1. Were you frightened or have any emotion connected to the memory?


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