Keeper of Memories

John lovely man....even if you try to deny it.

Wanted you to know that I have rarely heard such a lovely story as Accident and Emergency 1990, and have shared it with everyone that I suspect will listen to me. It's a rare occasion when I get through it without tears or, at least, a large lump in my throat.

Thank you for being tender hearted and willing. This story could be an ugly joke or forgotten moment in the hands of one less worthy.


  1. Your last sentence says it all. It is indeed a lovely and touching story.

  2. I love John's stories. That one is tough to get through.

  3. Oh my gosh...I just came back from reading that post and *sniff* it pierced my heart. What a beautiful and touching story. Now excuse me while I got get a tissue to wipe my tears *sniff*

  4. Thanks for the link. I'll definitely read it.

  5. Thanks for visiting me at Delights of the Heart.

  6. Incredibly sweet story. How rewarding to be able to help someone in a moment of incredible need.


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