Just NO

Please no military parade!

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is completely aware we are THE powerhouse.

According to a Business Insider report from October of 2015, we outspent #2 (Russia, of course) by $516.5 BILLION. Our active personnel is just short of double. Why in the world would we need to spend tax dollars on a parade when we have hungry children, veterans who need more and better mental and health care, the citizens of Puerto Rico are still suffering and just so many other things that those resources could be better spent on.


  1. Apparently, his fragile needy ego needs a boost. Cadet Bone Spurs wants people to salute him and applaud him, just like any other third world dictator.

  2. Mr Tiny Hands needs to prove that his dick is bigger than anyone's.

  3. How does one say 'NO!" to a mad man?

  4. This is an ego trip. And so ridiculous.

  5. All this so Donny boy can puff out his chest and inflate his ego. Pretty pathetic!

  6. RAMEN, GIRL! disgusting "dog & pony show"!

  7. Ah but a good dictatorship always has a military parade for themselves don't they? It would be horrible to spend that money on the people, like veteran care, Walter Reed is a hot mess, or our infrastructure which is also a very hot mess in this country, or medical for his people. You know there are a plethora of things this country could use that money on. But hey let's play who's d-k is bigger, that's important for an egomaniacal dictator.

  8. It frightens me, what we have unleashed upon this country. I hope our democracy can endure three more years of this dangerous administration.

  9. I've even heard people from the military say it's a tremendous expense and waste of both money and time when troops could be doing something actually useful. We sound more and more like a dictatorship. We HAVE to vote in the 2018 and I hope Mueller can do his work fast while he still has a job.

  10. he is crazy and you can expect anything from him
    i wonder how and why the management has to follow his stupidities


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