Getting Older

Our group health insurance pisses me off!

I am 54 and exercise regularly, take care of myself pretty darn good, rarely drink and have never smoked.  My co-worker is 48, rarely exercises, smokes up a friggin storm and drinks like a damn fish.  My monthly premium is $200.00 more than his.  To top it all is 793.00 per month with a....WAIT FOR IT.....$3,000.00 deductible. Most the time, I don't even come close to meeting it. How asinine is that? Nearly $10,000.00 a year just in case I get sick.

Still I am grateful for having it just in case, but I say that begrudgingly.

That's all I have to say about that.


  1. That is an appalling amount of money, and you are not even old. Most people here could not afford to spend that much on healthcare. It makes me realise just why our free health service is stretched to the limit.
    Everyone has such high expectations of medicine today - it has become so highly technical and uses such expensive equipment. I think people living here should thank their lucky stars.

  2. paul ryan - HELL YEAH! GOPricks don't give a damn about us!

  3. Few things piss me off more than the state of our healthcare in this country. Rosemary was right...that's an appalling amount of money. :(

  4. Replies
    1. I guess I've got it better than Margaret. Ridiculous.

  5. Great photos and spot on comments. I couldn't agree more.

  6. My husband and I were paying $1375 a month for health insurance premiums not counting the $300 per month dental. Our insurance was Blue Shield. We EACH had a $5000 deductible and the insurance only paid 80% or usual and customary. California rates are not usual and customary but much higher. Plus a $45 copay for any office visit. All adds up to not being able to afford to go see a doctor due to the paying for insurance insurance. Blue Shield, being who they are, fought almost every charge and took months to actually pay after I had a total knee replacement. Can you believe the hospital charged $245 each for 3 ice bags? The very same ice bag is available at Rite Aid for $3! Neither my husband or I smoke, we rarely drink, we are in pretty good health!

  7. My health insurance was like yours. I used up most of my 401K to pay the deductible. Now I am on Medicare and the boss picks up my supplemental. I have much better coverage for much less. Almost all my cousins live in Europe. They don't worry about health insurance at all. Sickness won't bankrupt them.

  8. I do all you do but I take 1 thryoid pill a day. I eat a clean diet except I do enjoy wine. I do gentle yoga and walk 3 miles a day. I take 1 lousy pill and For a 90 day supply it is $43. Insurance won't cover it. Okay that isn't bad to pay. They won't pay because it is not a big pharmaceutical company. I have a 6500 deductible and pay over $800 for just me. But I am 61 and it gets worse each year. I have written about our saga before. EVeryone was shocked. But it's real. I lost my corporate job at age 50. I became an invisible person in our society. Too old to be employed. Insurance was painful to pay and be unemployed. Such fun living in America right?

    1. It's awful but I can swing it. It's the people that can't thatI feel for.

  9. It's disgusting that such a wealthy nation is willing to bankrupt individuals for something that should be available to all.


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