A Gift

Last night I dreamt I was sitting in a chair outside in a yard that I did not recognize. The door opened and a 3 year old walked out the door right up to me. My first son, with his chubby, chubby cheeks, sad big brown eyes and straight light brown hair came close.  He stood there as I held his beautiful face, I pushed his hair back then kissed big smooches on his mushy cheeks. I could smell his sweet scent, a mix of baby shampoo, a hint of breakfast and a little touch of dirt.  I woke crying from the sweet love I felt. 


  1. Oh to be able to go back just for a moment now and then to visit loved ones as they were in the past and especially if they are no longer with us.

  2. Innocence! Such a sweet dream. linda. Capture the essence of it in your memory although I imagine it is already there!

  3. Our children never leave us no matter how far away they go. What a beautiful dream.

  4. Sweet innocence. If only we could go back for a few moments to see our children as babies again.

  5. Beautiful dreams bring along beautiful memories which are never too far away.

  6. beautiful dream. I would want to go back to sleep to see if I could catch more. :-)


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