Words, Just Words

I love the word PETRICHOR which, if you don't already know, is....a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm dry weather. Isn't that wonderful? I never knew that that loveliness had a name, I only knew that petrichor makes me very happy.

The other day I found another word I adore....APRICITY. APRICITY is.....the warm feeling of the sun on a cold day. It has a nice sound to it and, if I close my eyes, I can almost feel it right now.

I'd love to be able to use that word in another way. Wouldn't be nice to spread apricity, bringing warmth to a fellow traveller who is in a cold, dark place? Maybe we could alter it and make it an adjective...APRICITE. I like it a lot.

Go forward and be an apricite today.


  1. You've taught me two new words today -- thanks!

  2. Two new words for me too! Thank you Linda.

  3. As the Bee Gees once sang,
    "And you think that I don't even mean a single word I say
    It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away".

  4. I've never heard either of these words -- both have a poetic sound. How on earth did you uncover them? We haven't had any apricity here for a long while and I suspect we won't till April! I'll welcome it!


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