Wait, What????

The teeny little man that thinks he can control and prevent what the majority of voters of various states have voted to allow is laughable.  Go ahead tiny fella....see what ignoring the voters gets you eventually. The act of getting stoned will continue regardless of the "blinders on your head" opinion.  It's happening...why not let the states regulate and tax? Colorado earned $116 million in tax revenue and licensing fees in 2017. Not too shabby.

I'm not a pot user. I'm not even entirely comfortable about the whole thing without even being able to explain why BUT I don't believe my discomfort should  be shouldered by my fellow stoning citizens.  I may not consider abortion for myself but using that as a reason for preventing all other women from doing so is small minded, highly intrusive and just plain wrong.

Wake up and smell the cannabis Jeffy boy.

PS  Sorry Margaret....I promise non-political for the rest of the month.


  1. jeffy needs to BUTT OUT of other people's business!

  2. I am a user of marijuana oil and it makes such a difference. Legalize it. Life easier for everyone.

    1. I am so glad that it helps you and that you were willing to try.

  3. I’m with you. Not a user but let it be available and stop drug charges for pot possession and usage.

  4. I'm with you on this one too. This really gets me riled up....again.
    What is with these guys? little dick syndrome? I agree with you, If you don't believe in having guns in your home, don't get one. (me) If you don't believe in having an abortion, don't get one. If you don't wish to smoke pot, don't smoke pot. If you don't like alcohol, don't buy it. It's really very simple to me. I don't like these dick heads in the oval office and beyond and I vote! I see nothing wrong with states voting on how they wish to do anything. If you don't believe in a certain religion are we still going to have freedom of religion? It's getting too damn scary to live in the US. My friends in Europe are laughing at us. I get emails daily. It's sickens me what they see us as now. So disheartening. It is comparable to alcohol except it has medicinal purposes and uses. It is not like heroin as that little man said! My goodness these people have never read science books have they? climate change, pot is like heroin. Idiots.

  5. Agree with your post and all the comments! I'm just worried that Jeffy boy is going to sic the DEA, oh wait, didn't Trump get rid of that agency yet?

  6. The GOPers were all about leaving gay marriage to the states. But now...pot is a Federal issue.

  7. Hmm, we might need to contact Mirriam-Webster to come up with a new definition for democracy. Orange duck-lips guy with the small hands'n'mind, and his cohorts don't seem to get it!

  8. Canada is legalizing marijuana in 6 months on July 1, 2018. The federal government will get 25% of the tax revenue from it and the provincial governments will get 75%, which is only fair because the provinces have all the costly responsibility for policing and regulating sales.

  9. I couldn't agree more. Just keep it up and we'll be in a police state.

  10. heartiest best wishes for you my dear friend!!!

    may you be blessed with more peace and wisdom!


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