Take Note

These pictures were my very first baby steps at changing the way I think during a very dark time in my life. I attached the sayings to my work monitor as a constant reminder that the thoughts running through my brain were negative and not necessarily true. At times I spent more time looking at them, reciting my mantra, praying to the God of my understanding and just plain trying to shut my brain off, than at the work I was supposed to be doing. I am a big believer in reminders.

I also read great blogs, watched and listened to Youtube videos that contain positive affirmations and read books for people on a journey of change.

Changing the way I think, feel and react to a world that can be so harsh has been a constant, everyday, every minute effort. This world is an amazing place with great things and fabulous people....it's all about where you are looking.

Hope that you are having a great day.


  1. I believe in having personal mantras like these. They've helped me get through some very difficult periods in my life. You've picked some good ones. I hope they continue to help you get to the place you want to be.

    1. Thank you Jean. Glad you have your own to help you through.

  2. Affirmations are so powerful. I have one on my computer wall I consider my personal motto -- Fully Expect the Universe to Cooperate. Granted, sometimes it doesn't cooperate the way you hoped, but in the end, I think it has done its job. I love these. especially the serenity prayers. The Wisdom to Know the Difference.

    1. Thanks Jeanie......I love yours. Very positive.

  3. Thanks for posting the full Alberta Camus quotation! I've never read the entire thing before. Usually all that gets excerpted is the "invincible summer" line.

    1. I felt that summer deep inside even when it was very dark all around.

  4. I love the full Albert Camus quote too. Your positivity was always an inspiration to me. You've come a long way in a short time. Recovery looks good on you Linda. xo

  5. Thank you for the reminder and the inspiration. My day just got better.

  6. I have a little rock on my desk that says "DREAM".

  7. I too looked at things like this year's ago to keep me,on the right track. The serenity prayer went through my head a lot along with the phrase "let go and let God"

    1. Hopefully one day it will be a default for me.

  8. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves to think positive. It's an ongoing process. You are doing great! I really love the full Albert Camus quote. I've never seen it before!

    1. You're one of the people that has helped me tremendously Martha. Thank you.

  9. totally agreed
    messing world us try hard to push us away from our true and real selves so reminding is a thing that keep us FOCUSED and stick with our positive out look towards life which is most important for us to keep healthy attitude !

    This note is inspirational and overwhelming !!!

    i am glad you improved my dear Linda! and i strong;y believe that you once you have started the journey so you will keep going on ahead !

  10. Hi Linda. Wanted to answer your question from my blog. The machine I bought is used for crafting. It's an electronic die cutting machine. It will cut all kinds of materials including paper, vinyl leather and lots of others. It will also draw and write. I'll be doing lots of paper crafting in the near future

  11. This is the first time I'm visiting your beautiful blog. I came here from the Marmelade Gypsy. I scrolled through your posts until I saw pictures that were all too familiar - the horrible fire you had. We experienced the same at the beginning of October (I'm in Santa Rosa) and it belongs to one of the very worst times in my life.


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