Mine is Bigger! Much Bigger.....Maybe the Biggest Ever

My golf club is bigger than yours 

My man is taller than yours.

My hair is bigger than yours.

My button is bigger than yours.

His mouth is bigger than everyone.

Will someone please make him be quiet before he starts a war?!?!?!


  1. hahahahaaa
    oh dear i am slow to catch thing fastly so till i reach the last one i was curious and when came the last my laughter burst out you are very good at humour dear Linda!

    1. Thank you, thank you. It was a moment of inspiration đź’ś

  2. BIGLY!

    this year I wanna see him physically removed from the white house in handcuffs! with duct tape over his BIG MOUTH! it will be beautiful!

  3. Don't you wish? Scary as all get out.

  4. I have begun to boycott news although it seems impossible. I refuse to write about it on my blog anymore too. It is far too scary. I wish he and his crew would be taken out of the WH and bring back dignity and brains. I wish they would eliminate them before we are all eliminated!!
    This man and his minions are all evil. He will be the death of us all. He is so childish and this isn't a reality show! Removing him is not enough, his pale VP is as evil as he is. If we could just eliminate them all. The racist, misogynist, evil and vile humans that they are.Sorry this gets me going. This is why I will no longer put this negativity on my blog - I live in the DC area - 24/7 news cycle on all the time here - sick of it all. Sorry Linda.

    1. Don’t be. I can’t imagjne having to live that close to it all. My heart goes out to you.

  5. Imagine if a Democratic president were doing this stuff!

  6. No matter where we live, we hear his big mouth. I hope for your sake, and everyone else's that this year he'll be out of office.

  7. The person least frightened by all of his rhetoric is the very person that he is endeavouring to intimidate.

  8. Yeah, but he still has those teeny, tiny hands.

  9. Nice! You get the Award of the Day for nailing it!


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