Lovely Rita

If you know me, you know I love foreign film. I also enjoy foreign TV shows. When my marriage first fell apart I started watching a Danish show on Netflix called Rita and quickly fell in love.

About that time I met the Boy Scout and started really living life. TV kind of fell by the wayside as we were busy having a good time and getting to know each other. Now that the honeymoon is over we've settled down and have started watching a little more TV. We have binge watched Mad Men, The Crown, Shetland, The Walking Dead, etc. etc. I finally talked him into watching Rita and I remembered why I loved it in the first place. It’s a different way of life in Denmark and so much fun. The show has great characters that you can’t help but like or dislike a little. Rita is a rebel, rough around the edges but a fabulous teacher who loves and advocates for her students. In addition to that she’s a mom, not a Leave It To Beaver mom but a mom like me with lots of failings and insecurities. There is a spin off that I can't wait to try called Hjordis who is an extremely lovable character.

Most of the time, when the show is over, we have a smile on our faces. Give it a try, you just may like it.

Warning: for my conservative friends...there is sex (lots of it) and open discussions of sexuality and abortion.


  1. I’ve never seen it on Netflix in Canada, Linda. I enjoy foreign language productions too.

  2. ooh something new to see. Thank you I am checking this out and I think I will like this!

  3. Don't you love it when you discover or rediscover a film that really speaks to you? I'm not familiar with this but I will have to look for it.

  4. We wondered about this when we were scrolling through Netflix looking for a new show to watch. Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. two words: DOC MARTIN. Oh how we love that series! It's British. He's a brilliant but boorish doctor, but the other town characters are SO awesome!

  6. Cool, thanks for the heads-up, I am kinda outta things to watch of late

  7. In all sincerity, I JUST started watching this show the other night. I have only seen the first show, but truly loved it. I especially like the Rita character. A true individual with many layers. Can't wait to see them all.

  8. I never heard of that series before. I like foreign films though and watch them at the cinema.
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    Have a wonderful weekend.

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