
"Forgiveness is one of the really difficult things in life. The logic of receiving hurt seems to run in the direction of never forgetting either the hurt or the hurter. When you forgive, some deeper, divine generosity takes over. When you can forgive, then you are free. When you cannot forgive, you are a prisoner of the hurt done to you. If you are really disappointed in someone and you become embittered, you become incarcerated inside that feeling. Only the grace of forgiveness can break the straight logic of hurt and embitterment. It gives you a way out, because it places the conflict on a completely different level. In a strange way, it keeps the whole conflict human. You begin to see and understand the conditions, circumstances, or weakness that made the other person act as they did."
~J O'Donohue

Isn't that lovely? 

I find I am able to offer it up to many but withhold it from the one that holds my heart in his hands. I am able to be generous with it when it doesn't require me to be vulnerable. Sad scarred heart is in self protection mode. 

I don't like it.


  1. Is that what you call a paradox? I think so. But it all starts somewhere and you have done that.

  2. It can take time to move on from a hurt and let go (which is what forgiveness is). It can't always occur right away. Processing must be done.

  3. Be gentle with yourself, Linda. You know where you want to be. It will come!

  4. It takes time and as much time as it needs. You don't have to forget, just forgive. It takes practice and a commitment to yourself. Take all the time you need and be kind to yourself and others.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How grateful I am for the kind words and support. It fills my heart.

  7. Be gentle with yourself. Getting the pain out takes time. Forgiving takes even longer. It isn't easy. You are doing great!


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