Get Up And Do Your Thang

Doctors report in and I have high cholesterol! Wow!

Over the years I have had a pretty healthy lifestyle and, if I am honest with you, my first instinct was to blame the Boy Scout for the results. Things have changed drastically since I met this man. Mostly for the good but not entirely. Since we met, life has become much more sedentary and far more calorie intensive. He had his first knee replacement a month after we had our first date. The second came six months later and then, to top it off, the rotator cuff two months after that. That didn't make for a lot of long jaunts in exotic cities.

During his recovery time I stayed fairly active even though he could not. Slowly, with lack of sleep and a lot of golfing, I allowed my health to take a back seat to other things....easier things...perhaps more fun things. Lots and lots of eating out. The man likes "good" food and "good" drinks and, to be honest, just don't care all that much as long as I am not hungry.

I am responsible for me.....and the antsy feeling I get so often when we are home just sitting around is a reminder....."You've got life to live and that doesn't mean sitting on the couch. Get up and do what you need to do."

Time to get moving again and not wait for someone else to lead the way.



  1. Hey, chewing is MY favourite exercise too!!!

    1. I'm into elbow bends while balancing a glass of wine in my right hand!

  2. Great memes! You're right, we have to take the lead in caring for ourselves.

  3. Love the two on the treadmills. My favourite exercise as well. Good luck!

  4. Some fun images here. And you are spot on. No one else can do it for us and if we wait for someone, we could be waiting a long while!

  5. I lift weights 2x/week for my arthritis. I don't have high cholesterol (thank the dogs and cats). I do take a blood pressure med each morning.

  6. The one with the paramedics...BAHAHAHA! I couldn't run if my life depended on it :) But I do exercise 3x a week just to keep from getting all stiff and achy.

  7. Oh hell, does walking to the shops count? Or walking to the café for coffee? Yes, I choose to believe it does *smiles*


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