Freedom and Forgiveness

I changed my blog sub-title.

It was "Finding dynamic forgiveness and a healthy spirit in the face of betrayal and addiction."   That no longer really applies. I am still working on forgiveness but much more for myself than anyone else. I have forgiven the Secret Keeper 100%. I recognize who he was and who he became was caused by a horrible illness in the brain that I cannot fully comprehend. I understand now that he did not purposefully betray me, it was NOT personal. He did what he had to do to survive. It wasn't pretty but me adding to his shame will not help either of us. I will continue to try to do no harm.

Forgiving is an incredible freedom. I highly recommend it.


  1. Such an inspiring post, Linda. Thank you!

  2. I have long believed that forgiveness is the real key to emotional freedom and contentment. I'm so glad you have found that liberation both for your mind and your heart. Beautiful post.

  3. Forgiveness really is freedom, isn't it?

  4. You are doing great, Linda. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is very liberating.

  5. Good for you! May you have a peaceful and happy new year!

  6. So true. My biological father, one of the alcoholics in my life, was not a good father and incredibly abusive. Seeing him as a broken and vulnerable human was what helped me forgive. He did his best, as did I with my kids. He’s 73 now now and lonely and needs someone to love him. I no longer “need” him to love me but her needs me to love him.

    1. I didn’t know that you still had contact with him.

    2. He lives a few minutes away and is married to a lovely woman. My brother doesn’t want anything to do with him. I don’t know how much I would see him if it wasn’t for his wife. It’s easier now because he can’t drink like he used to so visits are a lot more predictable.

  7. Moving and inspiring. Thank you.

  8. what an inspiring way of thinking dear Linda!!!

    i respect and adore you for this enlightened change and say well come to you towards positive and peaceful path of faith and strength

  9. Excellent. Glad you found your way there.


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