Family Business

Went to breakfast in beautiful Santa Barbara before golf on Sunday. The Boy Scout and I shared a plate of Huevos Machaca from the Rose Cafe. It was very yummy but the sweet thing was watching this family behind the counter. In tight quarters, they hustled and bustled, getting the job done.

While waiting for our food, the current patriarch (the original now gone) came out from behind the grill and animatedly walked the restaurant floor looking at all the customers,  joyfully welcoming them to the New Year and introducing the third generation starting a tenure there. He was sweet and warm, proceeded to tell a joke, talking loudly, enjoying being the center of this little restaurants attention. The joke was lost on this hard of hearing gal but that did not diminish the moment. It was life, it was sweet and grateful and happy and I loved it. If it wasn't for the social confines that dictate what is and is not appropriate, I would have jumped up and hugged that guy. I also would have loved to hear his story over his beer and my Pepsi.

This restaurant has two locations and has been in business for over 70 years. If you are ever in Santa Barbara, which is a lovely place to visit, don't miss Rose Cafe and don't forget to message me.....I'll meet you there.
Don't let the exterior fool you. Good food to be had inside.


  1. oh I wish!! dreaming of the warm air, blue skies and huevos machaca will tie that up in a pretty bow for me. :-)

  2. I love places like that. A hidden gem in a warm place sounds pretty good about now.

  3. you should have hugged the owner anyway; WHO CARES what other people think! and the cafe looks like a nice place.

  4. I wish I could have been there with you, I would have urged you on.

  5. That looks and sounds like a great place! I love local businesses.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful spot! (And I would have hugged the owner! We need more hugs in the world!)

  7. Grrrrrr! Having trouble with replies on blogger.

  8. I love places like that! And you're right -- the most hole-in-the-wall-looking restaurants can have the best food!

  9. wow ,this sounds touching!

    i wish i could be there to meet you my dear friend!
    you have PRECIOUS soul!

  10. Lalo is a wonderful person... I usually go to the Rose on the Mesa for great sad about his loss; they weren't open when I was up a couple of weeks ago - still regrouping, I hope.

    1. Yes. My partner went to high school with him. So very sad for the family.


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