Do More Than Do No Harm

The Boy Scout hit a sprinkler and took a tumble on the golf course on Sunday. It was on the 17th hole, no doubt he was a little tired when he tripped. I watched it happen like a slo-mo movie. Since he has had both knees replaced and a torn rotator cuff surgery, he kind of stood up like a toy soldier and just allowed himself to fall without trying to stop it; not wanting to risk injury to those three areas.

Afterwards, he laid there and I ran over, feeling anxious and mama bearish, as did our friend and golf partner John. The sweet thing though....the foursome that we had been playing behind the previous 16 holes ran over also. Not sure if they had medical experience or if they were just being good samaritans but it was very kind. They were not willing to walk away when I said he was ok. They stood there just to make sure, asked a couple of questions and watched as the Boy Scout got himself upright.

They did all the right things and the beauty of it......they had a young lad with them, maybe 12 or 13. He too ran over, not saying a thing, but carefully watching. Nice to know that they were passing on their concern and caring to the next generation, showing him how it is done, just as we teach our young to read and write or to have manners with company. He'll be the next good samaritan.

I love that!


  1. I do think most people are good and want to help. We need more stories like this to remind us.

  2. This made me happy. I'm glad to hear he is okay.

  3. That gives me some encouragement about the state of humanity. As a former EMT and one with two newer knees, it warms my old heart that people still give a damn about others. Maybe its just the politicians that don't care.

  4. In a world where you are always hearing about the bad things, it's nice to hear about people caring about and helping others.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, Ann's snap edit scrap.

    1. I have to make an attempt to look for it. It's so easy for me to see the other side.

  5. How's your Boy Scout doing? Sorry to hear about his mishap. I'm around...not doing much blogging. But I'll be back. Thanks for the inquiry. xo

    1. Thank you for checking in Lolly. Hoping you are well ♥

  6. I am glad your Boy Scout was OK. Great story! People are kind!

  7. That's a good end -- Kind people and it sounds like Boy Scout is OK. Hope so.


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