A Nice Walk

Yesterday was my first day back to my morning walks on the beach.  The air was crisp, the sky was beautiful; it’s been way too long.  As I arrived the parking lot and the walkway was deserted but by the time I was done it was bustling with surfers, stoners, dog walkers and vacationers etc. It felt good to start the day like this.... breathing and feeling grateful and amazed at how just three short years ago I would do this walk and have to repeat or mantra over and over and over in order to stop my brain from thinking thoughts that were negative and self critical...trying to turn my brain off.  Eventually I graduated to recorded affirmations which I found tremendously helpful. They would say something positive, we would say it together and then I would repeat it on my own, not giving my brain a chance to talk back. I have a friend who says to me, "I given my brain a name...Fred. Sometimes Fred is an Asshole!"  Isn't that the truth.

How can one be negative when this gorgeous beauty is out there waiting like a feast to be devoured by the eyes?

Happy Monday...hope it's a good one.


  1. I'm having a good Monday morning too, thanks! I slept in!

    1. Woohooo!!! I haven’t in so long I don’t remember what it feels like.

  2. That IS beautiful. I think it will be many months before I can walk on the beach again! I'll think of you all winter long!

  3. Mondays are my Fridays and I am really looking forward to my days off!

  4. Replies
    1. Me too. We would have had fun. No chance of Fred showing his ugly face.

  5. Replies
    1. I probably should have been but chose yard work instead. It was a nice day to do it.

  6. Thanks for taking me for a walk! The warm air (relatively) feels so good and I can't tell you how good it feels to be on the beach again.

  7. Maybe "Fred" lives in the upper Midwest and it's been below freezing for the last 3 weeks and there isn't an ocean anywhere near him...

  8. So gorgeous! And very peaceful.

  9. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.

  10. Ok this made me laugh because my ex husbands name is Fred and he also was an asshole lol

    1. Hahahahaha! I can tell we are going to be good blogging buddies. I like you already.


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