Who Loves Ya Baby?

Today is my dad's birthday.  He's been gone for a good number of years now, maybe 8; how I miss his gentle spirit. Once he got sober he became a friend. That took time as he had abandoned my mom while she still had 5 of her 6 still at home. It was something he regretted even on his deathbed.

Today also marks 10 years since we all said good bye the our wonderful mother. I miss her terribly. I can still hear her voice, recall the feel of her skin, remember the baby soft white hair that had come back wavy after chemo. I can smell her house and bring up the sound of her Christmas tree (she liked the Hallmark ornaments that moved). I recall the comfort of her unconditional love....sanctuary.

Does sanctuary exist anywhere else? I think it does when we grow to love ourselves like a parent, with forgiveness and empathy, patience and kindness.

Today I am grateful for the two lovely, broken and flawed people that helped to make me what I am. I would love to spend an afternoon sitting with them both....letting them know just how much I love and respect them.


  1. I understand this more than you can know.
    I lost my mom at age 13 but if you read me I'm sure you've read those stories. My father has dementia and doesn't know me. But last summer he had a glimmer and realized it was me. It was nice for that moment. Getting older sucks but the worst is the people you love around you who are ill or passing. I know it's a fact of life but I still hate it.

    1. I cannot imagine what that must have been like.I hope that you had someone in your life to help fill that void.

      I will go back and check out your older posts

  2. Such a loving tribute to two important people in your life! They are smiling down I believe, Linda.

  3. I wish I could sit with you over coffee and hear all about these beautiful people that made up your life.

  4. I love your comments about sanctuary and how we might attain it.

  5. A lovely post. We always remember the people that have touched us deeply.


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