Breathe Deep

Tobacco Row (as I have deemed it) is a little spot outside the low income apartment house that is not far from our home. The people that sit there range from the very young to the “getting up there”. They are usually there, in various forms of dress, from pajamas and robes, to short shorts and UGG boots or torn T-shirts, to the fastidious neat and tidy. They are often in the company of a small pet and fellow smokers. During this crazy time where fires have consumed a portion of our town and part of our joy, the people of tobacco row seem to have needed each other even more than usual, no doubt discussing this and that and the friends and family affected by the fires.

I must admit the oppressiveness of the smoke and soot in the sky has had me seeking higher ground a couple of times just to clear my eyes and throat. This nagging cold not helping the situation no doubt. But imagine my surprise yesterday morning when I passed the people of tobacco row and two of the four people are donning facemasks. Really? I wonder how they can imagine that the ash, so prevalent in our sky right now, is any worse than the shit they pull into their lungs with every other breath!?! I’m sorry…this just defies all logic.

As I sit at the stop sign, one world worn gal, probably close to my age, pulls down her mask, takes a deep puff with obvious relish, blows that sucker out, then places that mask back on her face. WTF ?????


  1. stupid, isn't it? my FIL smoked 3 packs a day and died of lung cancer 12 years ago next week, age 71. my husband has a myriad of health problems that I believe is from his breathing second-hand smoke for 30 years. glad I never smoked!

  2. Vitamin N, I get it, but thAt is like having waffles and cream with a Diet Coke?!?!

  3. Oh yes, I used to be a smoker too and believe me, there's no logic to anything about it!

  4. WTF, indeed? Don’t ever get me started on smoking cigarettes. You won’t hear me stop until it’s banned everywhere including your own yard. My neighbor goes outside to smoke because he doesn’t want to smoke inside and it drifts into our house. I am way too passive, enough to need long term therapy, but I always slam the window a little harder than I need to when he’s outside. Oh, and get this. He is in his early 40’s and has already beaten cancer once and now he has it again. The insanity if it all.

    Okay. I am stopping for now.

  5. oh my! well if sense were indeed common more people would have it!


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