Rebuilding From The Ground Up

Hi all....

This has been an unusual holiday. Our beautiful city is still blinking their eyes with wonder at the horrific fire that swept through, destroying everything in its path then staying around enough to darken the skies and make the landscape look snow covered for two weeks.

I've found myself thrilled beyond belief that we had all four of the kids home for the Christmas. One night, as we ate a delicious dinner that my Boy Scout prepared, I found myself catching my breath and my heart squeezing with love and gratitude (there should be a word for that feeling). The four kids with two of their partners were in the dining room while the Boy Scout and I ate in the living room. They sat and talked and laughed, just enjoying each others company. It was such a sweet moment.

In all the good and wonderful, there has been a shadow....a shadow of all the friends and fellow Venturans that have lost everything. It has been a time to grieve. My boy and I went up to our old street. It was right I went with him as he too loved that silly house that didn't love us back. We cried... for for the devastation and perhaps for the memory of the painful time the led to the leaving of that big green house and maybe even the loss of the special times we shared when we worked side by side in the yard but it felt healing shedding a wet dirty sweatshirt after some good hard work. Grief is a funny comes up and bites your butt when you least expect it.

In this video, the house that held my heart is front and center at 1:47. I hold each and every neighbor in my heart and wish them peace, happiness and healing in addition to a good architect and an honest builder in the very near future.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!


  1. Those fires were/still are awful! Wishing you a good New Year filled with what you need to grow your gratitude and peaceful mind.

  2. I am happy to hear you had such a wonderful holiday. I wish you a very very Happy New Year!

    1. The same to your Peggy. Hoping for a good one.

  3. Such devastation! Bitter sweet memories!

    Glad your Christmas was special!

    1. Thanks was. Hope you are doing well and keeping warm.

  4. The video shows that magnitude of the tragedy, doesn’t it? It’s odd how the fires just skipped over an odd house here and there.

    I am glad you had a lovely Christmas.

  5. Oh Linda, how wonderful to be surrounded by those you love so very much. And all together. That's a gift.

    I didn't know you were from Ventura-area. The fires have been just tragic. I'm glad you are safe but I know your heart is breaking for others. I hope the new year brings some peace and new beginnings.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. A new year and new starts. Let the rebuilding begin

      Happy Holidays.

  6. Thank you dear Linda for sharing such precious and cheerful moments of your family gathering!
    Yes there must be some word to express gratitude!
    Having kids around on dinner table is truly Blessing for a mother and i know this so well as my son is now in Germany and willing to visit ys next winter my heart melts for him but i am glad that he is fine and enjoying his studies and exploration of surroundings of beautiful Europe.

    This fire sounds so damaging and video us revealing the pain you felt when you visited your old house ,i can relate the feeling as when i visit my native town it hurts lot to memoriesing the past and time spent with parents.

    Hope you feel better after good rest my friend.
    Wishing you a very safe and happy new year


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