Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

Cats are wonderful creatures. I’ve had at least 9 of them grace me with their presence in my lifetime. Most of the were garden variety, more concerned with the bigger world than being smothered by my love. A few of them were unique souls that touched my heart deeply. Don’t get me wrong, I loved them all, but a few were kindred spirits.

I’m finding myself wanting a cat again. It’s been awhile since my girl took her cat and Stella Bella to live with her.  I’ve always wanted a great big marmalade kitty. Well, maybe some day......

Does a cat own you?  What’s its name and color?

Meanwhile I’ll ponder the bigger cat concerns.........


  1. Well, you KNOW which cat owned me and still does. HRH rules my life with an iron paw even from the afterlife. I hope you do get a marmalade cat! Cats are just the most marvelous creatures. I love their independence and self-assured knowledge that the world revolves around THEM!

    1. Will you get another or was she enough to fill your heart forever?

    2. No, Debra She Who Seeks will not ever have another cat to replace me. I have forbidden it.

    3. HAHA! HRH is the coolest. I hope she trolls my blog :)

    4. I’ve been greatly honored today 🐱

  2. nyla is a brown tabby, oreo is black & white, gigi is grey & white. those 3 currently live with me.

    sydney (my first) was white with black patches, kelly was grey, meredith was a grey tabby, steven was all black. these furkids have crossed the rainbow bridge.

    YES, adopt a kitty SOONER rather than LATER!

    1. Love love love your cat names. Is there one or two that are most special?

  3. Callie, Blue Kitty, Cotton, Lilly Pie, Bevis (the butthead), Mamalade, Orange Roughy, Patch, Bella, and the feral outside kitty who may be Feral Fawcett or Will Feral, depending on gender, but since it isn't pregnant (I don't think so, anyway) it's probably a male. Being somewhat overwhelmed we did find Princess Puffy Pants a good home nearby.

  4. Love this catty post, Linda. We have never had a cat in our family. We’ve missed out on a lot of interesting times!

    1. Oh yes!! But I understand they are not for everyone.

  5. Phil chose me at the animal rescue center. Whereas he bites and claws everyone who enters the house, I can twist him like a pretzel and rock him like a baby and he loves it. I do keep a large box of assorted Band-Aids for guests.

    1. So happy you have been honored with such an owner as Phil.

  6. If I ever win the lottery I am going to buy some land and open a feral cat rescue. Bring them in, get them fixed and get proper veterinary care and let them live their lives and make sure they are eating properly.

    1. Great idea. And be surrounded by sweet love.

  7. Cats are the greatest. I've had a few in my life and they've all owned me :) I've got two now, both of them wonderful. And yes, these two own me, as well!

  8. Hi Linda,

    I just wanted to thank you for your visit to Marmelade Gypsy. I'm so grateful you came by and left such a nice comment. And I couldn't agree with you more about cats -- Sweet Lizzie is such an angel and blessing to me!

  9. Cats are the best! Our boy, Sweet Potato, is a red tabby (officially), a ginger cat (in British English) or, as we like to call it, an orange stripy cat!


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