In Spite Of Ourselves

The past few weeks have been good and fun, hard and stressful. We've gotten used to living  alone....just the two of us. A bunch of family time has been great but tested us a bit. The Boy Scout didn't have kids and he's walking into well established relationships with invisible boundaries. We (me and my kids) love to talk current issues and such but we all lean fairly left while the Boy Scout is a little right of middle. A couple a times discussions got more heated than my comfort level allowed and once it got ugly. Net Neutrality is now a verboten subject... ;)

We talked and worked and, perhaps, argued a bit.  How I appreciate his willingness to keep trying.  My kids have also had to learn to dance with a new dance partner because of their love for me. I am grateful to all of them. It wasn't all was a family adjusting to a new road map.

In our quiet moments, we like to put the Mark Knopfler station on Pandora. One of the songs they play on the station is a John Prine (who I had never heard of before the Boy Scout came along) that I really like and prolly apropos.  Hope you enjoy....


  1. The video made me smile. In my family, I learned never to start an argument you can't finish. Sounds like you had wonderful, normal holiday.

  2. Ah, all the family together can be like that. But it could be worse. You could be like my family in Erie PA buried under snow and no one could leave since Xmas. All those personalities trying to cope and survive. I called my mom yesterday and when I asked how she was faring she said, "Thank God for liquor. The topics we can't discuss is getting longer." That made me really laugh hearing that from your mom. :-)

  3. blending new families together always has its ups and downs. :)

  4. It's not easy to blend families but it can work!

  5. A work in progress and so worth the effort!


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