If Only An Apple A Day Worked.

I just got home from my local pharmacy. The medication I needed was not necessary to maintain life but it certainly makes my life far more comfortable. With my insurance, which I must admit is not fabulous, the medicine was 90 bucks. Honestly, the 90 bucks doesn’t mean a ton to me.   I’m one of the lucky ones. I have health insurance and make a decent living.

When things like this come up I feel truly grateful. My mother went through ovarian cancer with three recurrences before she passed. The chemotherapy affected her so greatly that I had to take over the household bill paying and organization. I was dumbfounded, absolutely dumbfounded, at what my mother and her husband were paying for prescription drugs.   She was on Social Security so she had insurance but paying her bills gave me a panic attacks. They were not able to cover it all. A couple of my kids are BARELY making their rent. There are so many people out there just like that or not even doing as well as them.

I ache for the people who have to choose between rent and insulin or a trip to the market and tolerating high blood pressure.  It’s not right and yet our president sees fit to cut into and attempt to eliminate the fabulous safety net that had been dubbed ObamaCare.

ACA (Affordabe Care Act) has been a godsend for over 12 million people. We can only hope it survives 3 years, 1 month and 16 days until sanity is restored. 


  1. Thank you for stepping up and taking a stand.

  2. ACA has been a godsend. However since the election it gets worse and now that you know who is doing all possible to dismantle and allowing carriers to leave they have in droves. There is nothing much left. Oh I could go on. Every insurance company I have enrolled in is so expensive. (outside of ACA) The cheapest I got a couple of weeks ago was $1300 per person per month. Now to some that may be no big deal, it's a 2nd mortgage to me. I can't do it. So I am stuck with the ACA that has been raped. I have 2 choices of carriers and both suck 6500 deductible and it's more of an HMO which no one friggin' wants. I have paid more each year as I should because each year I make a little more money. However now I pay through the arse and get 0. Unless I move to another country nothing will ever change here in the good ole USA, unless I die. Oh, and no I do not take a boat load of medication. I take a thyroid pill. No high blood pressure or anything else. $1300 a month because I am 61 and you know I could get sick so why not screw me. It's great isn't it?
    I am sorry - rant done.


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