Happy Hunting Ground

A cat, long loved by a young surfer dude, lives her life out of doors, free to hunt, galavant and do what cats do. Becky is her name and she is not really owned but rather graces others with her presence when she so desires.

About the time she turns 12, the surfer dude, who now has a family, brings home a surprise. Cecille, who is a rescue, is part jack russell but the rest is a mystery. Cecille and Becky do not see eye to eye on who rules in this small kingdom but eventually they work things out. Each considering themselves the actually ruler, as terriers and cats are wont to do.

Eventually they form an alliance of sorts, and become a hunting team. At first Becky brings the prey and makes it available to Cecille as his hunting skills are questionable and in need of refining. Soon enough, both being capable hunters, they work together to rid their realm of ALL unwanted pests and help in neighboring realms too. Years go by and Becky is slowing down. She is more and more often found sleeping on the outdoor throne that her surfer dude placed on the patio just for her. It's a warm spot, protected from ocean breeze, but getting much of the days sun.

Cecille, recognizing that his partner is slowing, brings the prey he catches to the patio, exactly as Becky had done for him when he was just a pup. He doesn't kill it, just makes sure it is moving at a pace that his partner can handle, allowing the ruler of the realm to save face and successfully continue the hunt that she loves so much.

Three months ago, Becky started to come in the house to sleep. The cold air seeming to affect her old bones and make everything ache. Last month, at the ripe of age of 16, she feel asleep in that comfy indoor throne for the last time. Cecille was close by.

ps. My stylist Kelly, who I have made pilgrimages to every 6 weeks for the last 15 years, has relayed pieces of this sweet love story to me during my visits. I have listened to the tales of Becky and Cecille for a good long time. I am sorry that part of the story is over.


  1. A sweet, sweet story right up to the very end. (Not sweet for their prey of course, but you know what I mean.)

  2. Not a terrible way to go....in a warm bed.

  3. Such a great story, though a sad one! Thanks forsharing the story of the two old friends!

  4. Oh...a love story...right to the end (sniff)

  5. We all need friends. Glad these two found each other. And thank you to you and your stylist for passing it on.

  6. lovely story of two creature who get along and supported each other in survival wow!
    i wish human could learn from them.

    how interesting story you learnt through you pilgrimages visits Linda!


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