
We had our annual Christmas golf tournament and although I played fairly awfully, I felt loved, uplifted and happy to be with my people. After golfing, we went to the club house and had a wonderful prime rib dinner with veggies and salad. The Boy Scout ordered me a drink and we chatted and caught up with spouses and had a plain old good time.

At 6:30, when everyone was leaving, I was actually sad that the night was over which is really strange for this introvert. 

A great day of life!


  1. Texas scramble, I presume? That's the only way I can play golf, lol. And mmmm, prime rib dinner sounds so good!

    1. You are exactly right. Next year I’m determined to do better. And the dinner was AMAZING.

  2. sounds like fun; everyone looks like they had a great time! so which one is you and which one is the boy scout?

    1. I’m The one holding the camera in the selfies. Boy Scout has the beard.

  3. Great selfies! So fun to see people having a good time.

  4. You look joyful, Linda. Always a great sign!

  5. precious photos dear Linda!!!
    thank you for sharing them .
    this is wonderful that you had great time by playing golf with friends and even felt bad that night fell ,it means you loved this time of your life and wanted to last it long this is what matter ,picking up the small joy in the gardens of life and surviving among thorns like a strong fighter


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