fire 🔥

My sweet city, my favorite town in the world, is on fire.  Friends and loved ones have lost their homes. The house that held my heart may or may not still be there. I know the direct neighbor is not.

 We watched from our front yard as homes just a few blocks away, up on the hill, were incinerated. The winds are still blowing hard and the fire is coming this way once again. Such a sad day.


  1. Stay safe, Linda. Thinking of you...

  2. Please stay safe. Keep us updated as you can. Praying for you all! I know that may sound trite, but it is all I can do. Love you friend. xoxo

  3. Oh Linda, it is all so sad, tragic. Please take care.

  4. Oh dear, I hope you and your house stay safe.

  5. How can this be happening in December. Praying for rain.

  6. I hope this stays away from you and is snuffed out soon. This is so scary and then the winds adding to it all. Be safe.

  7. I am so sorry that you, friends and family have been affected this way. I hope the fires get under control, and when you go back still have a place to call home.

  8. So terrible. You are in my thoughts.

  9. With every newscast you are on my mind, Linda. I hope and pray you, your friends and family are all safe!


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