Be Quiet Please!

I remember as a child, and even as an adult, hearing the saying "Count Your Blessings" and thinking it trite, compactly religious and easy for the people who didn't have a bunch of shit going on to say. How could I do that when we couldn't make rent, had no gas money, struggled with kid issues, had serious illness and then the hearing loss? It wasn't till I hit a rock bottom that I learned that being grateful was the key to everything moving forward.

I learned the lesson but applying day in and day out it is harder than I ever thought. I try to find things to be grateful for but the bad things have a habit of calling my name and speaking far louder than the good. It requires a rewiring of the brain.

I am learning. Today I am grateful for the struggle of learning and changing. If I did not have this struggle, I would still be living drought and insufficiency. Everyday, even though
I have a ton of struggles, the good things take hold, get a voice, call my name and remind me who I am and who I want to be.


  1. you woke up alive this morning; that in itself is a good thing. now go out and kick some ass! HNY 2018!

  2. Very good post. It's not always easy to be grateful. It takes real effort and is something we need to work on regularly.

  3. I couldn't agree more. There is always something to be grateful for!

  4. It can be very hard to count blessings when it is dark but it is then we must try hardest! A wonderful post, Linda.

  5. Happy New Year, Linda -- wishing you many, MANY blessings to count in 2018!

  6. no one has "perfect life" dear Linda!
    all you see with LOT are not happy actually ,all with heath anf all the blessings are not complete actually you cannot peek inside world of people my friend so each breath you have though has many issues with it still is a blessing because you are gifted with it and it means your Creator still believes in you that you can do better with this

  7. Blessings, Linda, it iS hard, but ultimately so rewarding, I'm living these changes too, the re-wiring, and being aware keeps yanking me back into the now, bonus *grin* keep on keeping on, lotsa love, V


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