Taking Back My Life

Thanksgiving was always mine. A person has to fight for the holidays when there are six siblings, but this holiday is my favorite. No pre Thanksgiving shopping and stress, just get together and enjoy the company.

When my life fell apart I lost it to another sibling. I was preoccupied with 4 grieving children, a mentally ill man with few boundaries and my own despair. I was busy selling and packing and learning to breathe again. Unable to sleep or eat, just getting to holidays was a triumph.

This year the Boy Scout took back my holiday and is running with it full force. Our little 800 sq ft house will be packed to overflowing 9 days. I cannot wait!!!!

We will have at least 20 adults and 4 little ones. Woohooo!

We are considering asking the Secret Keeper to come too. Not truly knowing what is best for him, it is hard to guess what the right thing to do. I loathe the idea of him being alone on this holiday and I despise the idea that my kids will feel guilt for choosing one over the other. We will play that one by ear.

Either way, I can breathe again and I am learning to be grateful...to find the good. I am developing a thicker skin and empathy is growing stronger every day. I have MUCH to be thankful for.

I wish the same for you and more!


  1. Wow, now THAT'S a houseful of people! Have fun!

  2. You excitement certainly comes through. You are a wonderful mother as seen in the way you consider the feelings your children might have on this family occasion. Enjoy the excitement and the event!

  3. THAT is unreal. I could not do that cause I cannot process massive crowds.

    it is just spouse and I and 3 cats for t-day; we will eat out (Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese - we haven't picked a fave yet).

  4. I'm really glad to hear that you have your holiday back! Enjoy your family and friends!!!!

  5. That is really going to be something! Enjoy and write about it when it is over. We're all going to be wondering how it went.

    1. Will do.....no expectations, just let it roll.


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